About the Zebra Collective
What are our core values, vision and mission?
Zebra’s core value is social and environmental justice. This is reflected in all we do, from our equalities work through all other work strands and into every element of our internal working.
Our working model
The structure of Zebra Collective – an equal pay worker co-operative – was chosen by its founders as a model which reflects our values, vision and mission, and which offers an excellent workplace in which the flat structure, shared ownership and broad-reaching equality maximises worker control over our working life.
As set out in the objects of the Zebra Collective Articles of Association, we don’t distribute our profits amongst the directors but put our profits back into the development of the collective, and to support social, cooperative and charitable purposes
Why choose us?
When you choose to work with Zebra Collective you choose an organisation whose belief and motivation is that, working together, we can have some impact towards a more just and sustainable society.
Our equality policy is set out in our Sustainable Social Justice Policy. We address social justice and environmental sustainability within one policy because we recognise how interdependent and mutually reinforcing these two imperatives have become.
Social Justice
Zebra Collective is known in our home city of Plymouth and beyond as an activist organisation keen to be a social justice conscience in any event or initiative in which we’re involved.
Social justice analysis underpins all our work and in every context we aim to raise awareness and reflexivity of how unrecognised and unacknowledged power and privilege operate, alongside unconscious bias, frequently resulting in unwitting discrimination.
We also strive to highlight the harsh realities of the socio-economic systems and inequalities in which people find themselves and which, beyond their control, oppress and can lead to people internalising their problems (“It’s my own fault” – “I deserve it” – “I’m a bad person”) and being held responsible for them.
Our Solution-focused Approach
It is against this backdrop that we utilise our solution-focused approach, to ensure the focus is on the individual’s / group’s best hopes, strengths and possibilities; and to seek out and amplify their coping, resilience and progress despite these oppressive challenges: ‘Given this social injustice, and how it impacts on you, what are your best hopes? And meanwhile – how do you cope?’.
Further discussion about our social justice and solution-focused approach features in: Shennan, G. and Gardiner, M. (2018) Collectivising solution-focused practice, Critical and Radical Social Work, 6(3): 419–24,
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For enquiries or further details please email info@zebra.coop