Autism: A critical inquiry and implications for practice
February 13, 2025 at 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Launching the Zebra Collective 2025 Conversations the Challenge Programme Deconstructing Autism: A critical inquiry and implications for practice
Thursday 13 February 12:30-2:00 via ZOOM

We live in an age where people are increasingly seeking out diagnoses & self-diagnosis is on an exponential rise. We recognise how validating it can be for people to learn that their experiences have a name, that there are others having similar experiences & crucially that there might be support & services available. People are understandably struggling whilst trying to navigate the expectations of our cultures & society. However, the dominant model that we are presented with insists that we have to have something ‘wrong with us’ (i.e. a label & a diagnosis) in order to access the support, education, resources & services that we might need. What we are noticing is that often the process of accessing these, more often than not involves being held on lengthy waiting lists, attending numerous assessments, having to repeat (& becoming defined by) stories of struggle & distress. This can reinforce the sense that there's ‘something wrong’ with us. If a diagnosis is received, often it doesn’t turn out to be the panacea that is hoped for, with the realisation that the diagnosis itself doesn’t change the difficulties or the struggle, with people falling between the gaps, or finding that services don’t exist or have restrictive eligibility criteria.
Join us for a ‘conversation that challenges’ with Professor Rudi Dallos as we deconstruct our understanding of autism & the source of the struggle that people might be facing.
Click on the 'Book Now' button to take you to our Eventbrite page to secure your ticket now!