Reflective Practice
Reflective Practice, Supervision
We offer individual supervision and reflective group sessions - everything from one-offs to ongoing monthly sessions. More detail below...
Reflection is about stepping back from the demanding day-to-day of work (“the swampy lowlands” – Schön)
(Reflexivity is core to this: examining what I am bringing to a work situation, perhaps one I’m struggling in – e.g. hopes, fears, assumptions, prejudices, unconscious biases, tiredness… and asking Zebra's 5 Core Reflective Questions.)
As community workers, social care and health workers throughout our careers, all of us at Zebra value reflective practice. We hold frequent reflective sessions internally.

The value of reflection and reflexivity
People who work with people who are in some distress can become depleted, and their practice can drift from their values and what they know is good practice. Reflective sessions are an opportunity to recharge the batteries, to notice (and have others notice, acknowledge and validate) our good practice and current struggles, and to re-engage with our core values. And, where this happens in teams, this is an opportunity for teams to re-engage, reconnect and grow.
Zebra has extensive experience running reflective practice sessions with groups, teams and individuals: some as one-offs, some as large programmes over time, some as ongoing (e.g. monthly) session contracts.
Furthermore, all our workshops – training, development sessions, facilitated team events – have a reflective culture, with plenty of opportunity for participants to consider, discuss, and ask about the implications of the learning for them professionally and personally.
For enquiries or further details please email