Zebra's 6 Principles
Zebra operates to 6 core principles, which guide our thinking and our practice:
- Inclusive
- Strengths-based
- Trauma-informed
- Social & environmental justice
- Reflective & reflexive; humility
- (Our community work only) Embedded in the communities in which we live and/or work

It is our intention and aspiration that these 6 Principles are evident throughout our work. As reflective, reflexive practitioners, with due humility we know there's always a gap between our values & driving principles on the one hand, and what we actually do. We work individually and collectively to maintain awareness of this - awareness being the prerequisite to taking steps to close that gap.
Furthermore, we observe that concepts such as inclusive, strengths-based & trauma-informed have become buzzwords - every org adopts them; perhaps systems require us to. But once this happens, if such concepts are to have any value, we must ask ourselves, 'What does this mean for us?' And, 'How do we know we're this?' And, as above, we must commit to noticing the gaps between our espoused principles, and our actual practice. Committing genuinely to these principles demands continuous examination, enquiry -and hard work.
We believe that Zebra's intentional approach, operating consciously to reflect these principles, is a strength that characterises Zebra Collective.
And we're keen to know what others think: how those who interact with Zebra experience us, measured against these principles. Over to you ...